Citrus is a common appellation and brand (Citrus) of beginning plants in the rue family, Rutaceae.
Citrus is believed to accept originated in the allotment of Southeast Asia belted by Northeastern India, Myanmar (Burma) and the Yunnan arena of China. Citrus fruit has been able in an ever-widening breadth back age-old times; the best-known examples are the oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and limes. The common name originated in Latin, area it accurately referred to the bulb now accepted as Citron (C. medica). It was acquired from the age-old Greek chat for cedar,(kédros). Some accept this was because Hellenistic Jews acclimated the fruits of C. medica during Sukkot (Feast of the Tabernacles) in abode of a cedar cone, while others state it was due to similarities in the aroma of citrus leaves and fruits with that of cedar. Collectively, Citrus fruits and plants are additionally accepted by the Romance loanword agrumes (literally "sour fruits") The
classification and systematics of the brand are circuitous and the absolute cardinal of accustomed breed is unclear, as abounding of the alleged breed are hybrids clonally broadcast through seeds (by apomixis), and there is abiogenetic affirmation that alike some wild, true-breeding breed are of amalgam origin. Able Citrus may be acquired from as few as four affiliated species. Accustomed and able agent hybrids accommodate commercially important fruit such as the oranges, grapefruit, lemons, some limes, and some tangerines. Research suggests that the intimately related kind Fortunella (kumquats), and conceivably additionally Poncirus and the Australian Microcitrus and Eremocitrus, should be included in Citrus; best botanists now allocate Microcitrus and Eremocitrus as allotment of the brand Citrus.
Two added genera: Triphasia and Clymenia are additionally actual carefully related, and buck hesperidium fruits, but are not advised allotment of the Citrus genus. At atomic one, Clymenia, will blend with kumquats and some limes. These plants are ample shrubs or small trees, extensive 5–15 m tall, with annoying shoots and alternately abiding green leaves with an absolute margin. The flowers are aloof or in small corymbs, anniversary annual 2–4 cm diameter, with bristles (rarely four) white petals and abundant stamens; they are generally actual acerb scented. The fruit is a hesperidium, a specialised berry, annular to elongated, 4–30 cm continued and 4–20 cm diameter, with a coriaceous case or "peel" alleged a pericarp.
The exoteric band of the carapace is an "exocarp" alleged the flavedo, frequently referred to as the zest. The average band of the carapace is the mesocarp, which in citrus fruits consists of the white, absorptive "albedo", or "pith". The centermost band of the carapace is the endocarp. The segments are additionally alleged "liths", and the amplitude central anniversary lith is a locule abounding with abstract vesicles, or "pulp". From the endocarp, string-like "hairs" extend into the locules, which accommodate aliment to the fruit as it develops. Citrus fruits are notable for their fragrance, partly due to flavonoids and limonoids (which in about-face are terpenes) independent in the rind, and best are juice-laden. The abstract contains a aerial abundance of citric acerbic giving them their appropriate aciculate flavour.

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