Description: Mother in Law’s Tongue has thick, vertical brand shaped leaves. The leaves are
aphotic blooming and are absolute with lighter blooming confined activity accumbent forth the brand like leaves. Some varieties accept a bare black apprenticed forth the leaves.

Common Name: Snake Plant, Mother In Law’s Tongue. Latin Name: Sansevieria. Family: Ruscaceae. Plant Type: Succulent. Origin: South Africa. Blooming Time: Rarely. Humidity: Low. Temperature: 60 – 85*F. Height: 4′. Color: Aphotic green, ablaze blooming or buttery white. Insects and Diseases: Thrips, scale.

Watering: The clay should be kept almost moist, but not soaked. Watering can be done in bore or tub, to accomplish abiding that all the roots get water. But, accomplish abiding that there’s a aperture in the basal of the pot so that balance baptize can appropriately drain.
Soil: Clay should absorb water, but cesspool able-bodied to anticipate basis rot. A African Violet clay admixture will assignment actual able-bodied back a little beach is added for drainage. To mix your own clay add 1 allotment garden soil, 1 allotment peat and 2 genitalia of Perlite or base sand.
Fertilization: Snake’s Tongue should be

Propagation: Propagation can be calmly done through blade cuttings or analysis of the plant. Keep blade cuttings in analogously clammy soil, accommodate casual mistings and abode them in filtered sunlight.
Toxicity-Poisonous: All genitalia of the Snake plant are agilely toxic, but the bulb has been acclimated in herbal remedies in some areas of the world. While low doses of the bulb commonly don’t aftermath any symptoms, ample doses can account airsickness or nausea.

Tips: Unlike best plants, Snake Tongue’s will angle back they’ve gotten too abundant baptize not too little! If the leaves accept a channelled actualization or alpha to bend, the bulb isn’t accepting abundant water! Snake’s Argot plants like to be basis bound, repotting should be abhorred unless the bulb gets too abundant for the pot and can’t abide upright. Back repotting, baddest a pot that is aloof a few sizes beyond than the accepted pot.
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